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Meet our pupils who attend Day Care, read about there daily activities and adventure, on our blog we will keep you updated with everything pet related including the lastest toys, books, games and everything pertaining to pets. Enjoy our blog and happy reading.

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Friday 31 July 2009

Christmas came early at Doggie Day Care!

Christmas came early yesterday at Doggie Day Care, one of our director became "Santa" and distributed the new toys!
It was a joyous moment for all! The dogs didn't know which toy to pick up first, the ball, the cuddly Mallard Duck, the Giant snail. Dawin managed 3 toys at once! It was a toy overload and they loved every moment.

Doggie Day Care is not just about the carers sitting with the dogs and stroking them, we want it to be an interactive experience for the dogs. Every day is a school day after all and we expect our dogs to learn new things and work hard for their treats.

Yesterday Bea, Badger and Dawin excelled in the Dog Tornado, working out how to remove the plastic bones to reveal tasty, healthy treats.
We gave the other dogs slightly easier games such as Dog Brick. Again Bea, Dawin and Badger out did themselves.

Trying to find toys that can last come sometimes be a mission. It's also frustrating that the ones that last aren't the desired toys of choice. The dogs much prefer a cuddly toy that can it to shreds.
It makes them happy though which is the main thing!


Unknown said...

Really that moment was memorable. I just image, what the moment would be there. Yeah friend you are right it seems like an chrism's festival for those dogs. Stop Your Dog From Biting

Dogs2Mogs said...

Yes it was a day to remember fun all round!!!

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